For my photos I did a lot of things, easy and difficult, hard and funny, extreme and usual.
For my photos I've risked my gear, my camera, my legs, my head and sometimes, even my life.
For my photos I spent time, brain, nights, days, knowledge and even a lot of money.
For my photos I waited for the light, for the night, for the clouds, for the sun, and for that rare unique right moment.
For my photos I faced the extreme, cold, heat, wind, rain, snow, ice, fire, thunderstorms and even hurricanes.
For my photos I feel love, respect, fear, sometime shame and sometime pride.
For my photos I ate awful food, slept in ugly places, walked dirty roads, sat in shitty spots, traveled so far and lived so much.
Then, when you ask for my photos for free, consider just a second if you can do all I did, and give it away, in return of nothing.
So, please, be prepared to pay for my photos, or at least be so kind to avoid to ask for them for free